REGULAR HOURS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 11-5. Please visit our announcements page to learn more.

“If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children.” – Gandhi

Passport to the World is a multicultural program designed for Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts. Each Passport program introduces Temep Sister Cities countries and cultures. Children learn through hands-on activities with lunch prepared by the participants. Student delegates share their first-hand experiences from each host country. The goal of Passport to the World is to cultivate an interest in other people with their distinctive cultures and customs.

Join fellow Girl Scouts on an imaginary carpet ride to different parts of the world. You will explore food, culture, history and geography through hands on activities and crafts.

Future programs can be found on the Event Calendar of the Arizona Cactus-Pine Girl Scout Council.

Hackett House